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Alicia Gromicko

6 Secrets to the Fertility Awareness Method

 6 Secrets to the Fertility Awareness Method
6 Secrets to the Fertility Awareness Method

There are 6 secrets to make it work:

  1. Find a good Fertility Awareness Method coach. This is where I started - Boulder Fertility

  2. Use a good period tracking app

  3. Check your waking temperature daily. - Use this thermometer.

  4. Check your cervical fluid several times a day.

  5. Use protection on fertile days

  6. Read Taking Charge of Your Fertility.

A fertility awareness coach will teach you the basics and help you for the first few cycles until you are an expert.

The Kindara app allows you to track your fertility everyday. They have developed a thermometer that will automatically upload to your app every morning.

To avoid pregnancy, the easiest way to check your cervical fluid is this.... if there anything in your panties (creamy, sticky, watery, egg white or dried up any of these)... use protection.

Be in health.


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