Eggplant Parmesan

What you’ll need:
5 cups of tomato sauce
3 cups of Italian bread crumbs or gluten free bread crumbs
2 medium globe eggplants, peeled and sliced into 1/4” rounds
4 large eggs
1 cup Mozzarella Cheese
1/2 cup Pecorino Romano cheese
4-5 cups of spinach
2 tablespoons of lard or coconut oil
What to do:
Toss eggplant slices and 3 teaspoons salt in large bowl until combined.
Transfer salted eggplant to large colander set over bowl.
Put a plate and a heavy weight on top of eggplant.
Let stand until eggplant releases about 2 tablespoons liquid, 30 to 45 minutes.
Arrange eggplant slices on triple layer paper towels; cover with another triple layer paper towels. Firmly press each slice to remove as much liquid as possible, then wipe off excess salt.
Preheat even to 350 degrees.
Pour 1 cup of sauce in a 9 X 13 glass baking dish.
Mix eggs in a large bowl. Add eggplant, one at a time, and let excess drip off.
Heat a large skillet on medium heat and add oil.
In batches, dredge eggplant in breadcrumbs and fry on each side until golden brown.
As each eggplant slice is browned place on paper towel to drain.
Arrange eggplant in baking dish layering with sauce and spinach.
Top the last layer of fried eggplant with sauce and sprinkle with Pecorino Romano cheese and mozzarella cheese.
Cover and bake for 30 minutes or until bubbly.
Remove foil, set oven on 500 degrees and broil for 5 minutes or until cheese is lightly brown.
Remove from oven and let parmesan rest for 5 minutes.
Be in health.