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Our 2nd Role as a Wife

Alicia Gromicko

Our 2nd Role as a Wife by Alicia Gromicko
Our 2nd Role as a Wife by Alicia Gromicko

Our first role as a wife is to be a help meet. To help our husbands. To bring out the best in him by assistance. Doe this take 24 hours? No. But as we keep this mind set, we build him up so he can be his best.

Our second as a wife is keeper of the home.

Before you get in a huff, please read what it is NOT.

What it is not:

- not a slave

- not a baby machine

- not a maid

- not a prisoner

- not isolated

- not the housekeeper

- not the cook

- not the servant

What it is:

As keeper of the home you are the guard your home. You are the guardian. You control the life flow of the home. You manage what comes in and what goes out. You protect your home and your loved ones in it.

The foundation on which nations are built are laid at home.

We keep our home spiritually and physically in order. What we allow in our homes has a tremendous impact on our families.

Think of the CEO of a company. A CEO is the keeper of that company. He/She oversees all that goes on and controls the flow and management of the company.


As guardians of our home we keep it physically decent and in order, we keep it beautifully clean and orderly.

The physical environment of our home is to bring peace and harmony.

We want our homes to be a blessing and uplifting to everyone who lives there and visits.

Practically, if you have too much sh*it to manage then throw the crap away. We have a rule in our home “a place for everything and everything has a place”. If there is no place for an object we donate it, sell it, or throw it out. Before we make a purchase, we ask ourselves, “is this a need or a want?” “where will this item live?” “who will maintain this item?”.

At the change of seasons, before and after the school year and heavily over the summer; the children and I take one room and declutter and organize.

Travel light. Don't let stuff weigh you down, consume your time or clutter your life.


As wives, we guard our home spiritually. We do not allow confusion, anger, strife, or bitterness to breed in our homes. Our homes are a place where The Word lives and our homes are to have a peaceful environment.

If you have children, wives provide consistent and loving training; teaching them loving manners and etiquette. We teach our children that they are to always use their best manners at home with family.

Loving manners and good etiquette ensures that everyone adds to the peaceful environment. The world has many distractions and we are on guard to keep distractions away. We keep The Word in our thought life, we speak The Word to our husbands and children.

For example, if my children are being unkind to each other, I ask them “what does Ephesians 4:32 say?”

And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.

As wives we keep The Word living in our home. We memorize and teach our children to memorize scripture that will help them in their lives. We put scripture in places they will see and read it. On the frig, on the cupboards, on the bathroom mirror. We have fellowship in the morning during breakfast where we read a few verses and pray together. "A family that prays together, stays together."

After school we ask "how did God bless you today?".

We acknowledge God. For example, when things go great, we may say "wow, God is so good, see how he worked in that situation and blessed you?" When things are challenging we might say, "let's pray about that and give it to God, He has the answer."

The world is constantly trying to steal, kill and destroy the peaceful tranquility of our home. As wives, we are on guard to keep the crap out and the peace in.

Enjoy being the keeper of your home. Watch God work and watch your family live the more than abundant life; exceeding, abundantly, above, all you could ask or think.


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