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  • Writer's pictureAlicia Gromicko

Coconut Curry Shrimp

I'm always thinking of yummy healthy meals and snacks for HubbyHubby.

Today I made him Coconut Curry Shrimp.

I used leftover veggies, a can of coconut milk and sauteed shrimp.

The veggies I had on hand were, carrots, kale, onion and broccoli.

Here's what to do:

Heat up 2 tablespoons of coconut oil on medium heat.

Add the left over veggies and heat through.

Add a can of full fat coconut milk.

Add 2 teaspoons of turmeric or curry.

Salt and pepper to taste.

In a separate skillet heat up 2 tablespoons of coconut oil on medium-high heat.

Add 2 pounds of thawed shrimp.

Season with salt and pepper.

Cook until opaque.

Serve hot shrimp over coconut curry veggies.

Be in health.


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